A. Research Design and Procedure
In conducting the research, the writer used pre-experimental design using one group pre-test and post-test control group design. The reason that the writer used this design because the writer only intends to investigate the influence of games on students’ ability to construct the Simple Past Tense, so the writer used the pre exprimental design using one group pre-test post-test of pre-exprimental design. This research design is described as follows:
T1 X T2
T1: The pre-test, in this test the students are tested by using crossword puzzle
only in five questions.
X: The treatments, in which the students are taught a crossword puzzle to
scan a text.
T2: The post test, in this test the students are tested by using crossword puzzle
to scan a text.
This research was conducted in four meetings. The first meeting was for the pre-test, in which the students had to answer the questions. The second meeting to the third meeting, it was time for the students to follow the treatments. The four meeting was conducted the post-test. Both the pre-test and the post-test were recorded. Then the writer scored and analyze the data.
B. Time and Place
The writer has done the researvh in the Junior High School on until to the grade students of. The place of this school is in
C. Population and Sample
The population of this research was the second of Junior High School of SMPN. There were two classes of class II. Each class consists of 25 students. The writer chooses the total sampling.
D. The Variables and The Measurement
There are two variables that are identified by the writer in this study. They are independent and dependent variables. The independent variable is “The effect of crossword puzzle as an assessment” and the dependent variable is “the Students’ ability to scan a text”.
To measure the variables in this study, the writer used “interval scale”. The score ranges from 1 until 10.
E. Research Instrument
The instrument in this research is in the form of tests. Arikunto (1998:139) states
“Test adalah sederetan pertanyaan atau latihan atau alat-alat lain yang digunakan untuk mengukur keterampilan, pengetahuan, intelegensi, kemampuan atau bakat yang dimiliki individu atau kelompok”.
Therefore, the writer gave the students’ ability befor they have given treatment (pre-test) and after they had received some treatments (post-test).
The test is in the form of essay and filling in the blanks (short-answer questions). The test is designed by the writer himself by taking up the materials of the students books for the second grade of Junior High School.
F. Data Collection
As mentioned above, the writer used two kinds of tests to measure the students’ ability to scan a text they were pre-test and post test. Pre test was given before the treatments, while the post test was given later after treatments. He gave the test to analyze the students’ knowledge and their problem that they faced in scanning a text.
Farhady and Hatch (1982:4) state, “ The data could came from case studies, questionnaires, students’ compositions, tests, or experiments”. In this research, the writer used some tests to get the data. He collected several documents which are related to the research to support his analysis.
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